Friday, December 10, 2010

Make Some Cute Snowmen Cupcakes

Just whip up a batch of your favorite homemade cupcakes or buy pre-made ones at the store, Frost.

To transform your frosted cupcake into a festive snowman, do this...

1.Dip frosted cupcakes in sparkling sugar.
2. Use 2 m&ms for eyes.
3. Use a candy orange slice halves for the nose.
4. Cut a strip of licorice and attach 1 gumdrops on each end for earmuffs.
5. Use licorice for the mouth.
6. Add a pink sprinkle to each side of mouth for cheeks. have cupcake snowmen...the kids will love them.
This recipe came from All You Magazine (great mag sold at Walmart)
It's chock full of coupons and great ideas and recipes.

1 comment:

Kumiko said...

What a cute snowman they are!
They're exquisite.Their earmuffs are so cute! You're so skillful!