Saturday, September 12, 2009

Best times to shop for certain items

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Diana Watson from Fox Carolina News has some good info on her blog abouth the best time to shop for items and save money. Thought I would 'borrow it' in case you didn't hear it during the 10pm news.

By Diana Watson

Do you have a big purchase in your future?

If it’s a grill, patio furniture, or playset… you are in luck. Those items are marked down big-time right now. Stores are trying to get them out of the way to make room for things like Halloween decorations and Christmas trees!

If you plan your big item purchases in advance, you will save hundreds of dollars a year.

For instance, the best months to buy furniture are January and July, just before new shipments arrive.

If you are in the market for baby products, experts say you’ll spend less between February and April when retailers offer the most sales.

And… when it comes to jewelry, there are good and bad times to buy. The busiest months in the jewelry business are November, December, February and May. You know what that means? Higher prices.

If you want to save, July is the sweet spot for diamond buyers. It’s a slow time of year for the jewelry stores, so they’re more willing to negotiate.

Just a few ideas… for some seasonal savings!

BIBLE VERSE:Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

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