Friday, September 25, 2009

Easy At Home Spa Tricks

Hi! Sorry I haven't been here in a few days, been behind.  Glad to be back.

Try these spa tricks at home to remedy some problems areas on your face and scalp.

1. Soak up oil on a greasy scalp by sprinkling with a little baby powder.

2. Deflate puffy eyes with a cold spoon. Place spoon in the fridge for awhile, then close your eyes and       hold back of the spoon against lids.

3. Steam-clean your pores with a bowl of boiling water. Boil on stovetop or heat in microwave until boiling. Sprinkle in a couple drops of essential oil  or loose dried herbs like lavendar or rosemary. Place face down over bowl of hot water, hold a towel over your head to make a tent, and let the steam draw out all the impurities and open up your pores.  It will probably open your sinuses too!

4.  Moisturize dry patches on knees, elbows and feet with a dab of olive oil.
Bible verse for the day: 
Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind
Ecclesiastes 4:6
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