Monday, August 31, 2009

The Big Read-a free event sponsored by Spartanburg Co. Library!

Mark your calendars for the kickoff-Sept. 26, 2009 at 7:30pm at the Sptbg. Main Library. (There will be a laser light show.)

This is the 3rd year for THE BIG READ which is sponsored by the Sptbg. Co. Library.  If you love to read like I do, this is a great event for you and your family.  All of the programs for this event is free! 

What is The Big Read?  It's purpose is to promote reading!  What better purpose could there be,  yes?
Each year a book is chosen for the community to read.  This year it is, Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury.  At the kickoff,  free copies of the book will be given out for those who are planning to participate.  From Sept. 26. through Oct. 25, there will be numerous programs including book discussions, films related to the book, fire safety demonstrations, lectures, and many others, at the various library branches, and the main headquarters library on Kennedy Street.  All of the events are free and fun!  You will learn alot, meet other people who have the same interests as you, and enhance your knowledge! 

Visit and see all of the details, including a complete list of dates and times for all of the events!  You can also view pictures from last years Big Read on the website.

I have attended the event since it's inception in 2007, and I can guarantee that you will enjoy it if you love books and reading!

The first year, the book was The Great Gatsby, and the second year it was The Maltese Falcon.

I hope you'll make plans to attend.  Maybe I'll get to meet you there!

A Biblical perspective on Money.

Good morning!  This is my first post on this blog.  I think it is important to share some of the Biblical perspectives on money.  In fact, there are many references to money and how we should handle it in the Bible.  It's important for me to share some verses as we go along because I am a Christian, and I try to live my life with the Bible as my map.  The first step to wealth is knowing God.  When you have a personal relationship with God, you are always rich! You do not have to worry about daily needs being met.  God always provides his children with what they need.  What they need is the key in this statement.  Many times what we want is alot different than what we need

The plans of the diligent lead to profit, as surely as haste leads to poverty. Proverbs 21:5 NIV

Many today live in haste, meaning we're always rushing, doing, going, and buying and most buying on impulse.  We need to think about and plan our purchases.  Alot of our money is spent with no thought.  We are a nation of waste and greed.  Slow down and rethink how you are spending.  Is is purposeful and planned or is it based on impulse?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Purpose of this Blog

Hi Everyone,
One thing I am passionate about is living well, but living frugally. I'm all about saving money.  I want to provide my readers with helpful tips, books, free local events, sales, Biblical perspectives, free activities, and every thing else I can learn about saving you and myself money.  I think everyone, especially in this challenging economic environment, should strive to be Debt Free!  This is my goal and I want to inspire you to make it yours also.

I will begin posting tomorrow!  I hope you will be here.

God bless until tomorrow.